Joomla The Parameter Platforminfo Class Must Be Defined
Informations sur Joomla The Parameter Platforminfo Class Must Be Defined.
Joomla the parameter platforminfo class must be defined. If you like our support and products tweet us at joomdev and let the world know about it. 0 the parameter platforminfoclass must be defined. Kada vratim na php 56 radi uobičajeno ali imam problema onda opet s gantry5 i pogreškom kod uređivanja predloška zend opcache api is restricted by restrictapi configuration directive. The easiest solution to this problem is to have the website use an older version of php which can be done using the multiphp manager tool in whm. Name is used under a limited license from open source matters in the united states and other countries. In that case the cause of the problem is a php update to 7x that is not compatible with the current version of the rok joomla libraries eg. The parameter platforminfoclass must be defined posted 2 years 7 months ago whenever i change the php from 55 to 70 on a site using helium template on the gantry framework with joomla 370 i get this message on the admin panel. The the rokcommon library. Solved php 70 error. The parameter platforminfoclass must be defined posted 2 years 3 months ago thats a little tricky because you need to know where to put each file. Solved php 70 error.
After update cleans the cache and checks frontpage. Update all the extensions.
The parameter platforminfoclass must be defined 1 year 1 week ago 3823.

La discussion suivante de la joomla the parameter platforminfo class must be defined que collecter. L'administrateur Classe Détails 2019 collecte également d'autres images liées joomla the parameter platforminfo class must be defined en dessous de cela. Visitez l'adresse source pour une explication plus complète.
C'est tout ce que nous pouvons vous informer sur le joomla the parameter platforminfo class must be defined. Merci de visiter le blog Classe Détails 2019.
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